
Head of State of India- President 

Head of Government of India -Prime Minister 

Head of State and Government of USA -President 

Head of State of England-Queen 

Head of Government of England-Prime Minister 

In Republic countries Head of State ie)President is ordinary people (citizen) 

India,USA Republic Country 

In Democratic countries Head of Government ie)Prime Minister is ordinary people(citizen) 

India,Britain,USA Democratic Countries

India world biggest Democratic Country 

USA world powerful Democratic Country 

Dictator -Ruled by power of single person ex -north korea 

Presidential Government-Here president is powerful than Parliament ex-USA 

Parliamentary Government-Here Parliament is Powerful than President ex-India 

In Britain Prime Minister should be only come from Lower House ie)elected by people 

But in India Prime Minister can be come from either Loksabha or Rajya Sabha 

In USA Higher court hear cases only in central list and Provincial court hear cases only in provincial list but in India both High Court and Supreme Court can hear central list,state list and Concurrent list 

In England like cabinet there is a council called Shadow cabinet who were from opposition party they are always ready to take charge as cabinet when ruling party fails 


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