India and it's Territory


*Article 1-India ie)Bharat is a union of states 
*Article 2-Grant of powers to parliament to admit union of india new states and to establish new states ,first refers admissions of states already in existence and second refers to which not in existence before 
*Article 3-Parliament to form a new state by seperation of territory from any state or by uniting two or more states or parts of states or by uniting any territory to a part of any state, increase or dimnish the area of any state,alter boundaries and alter name of state these changes can be introduced in parliament only with prior recommendations of President .President has to refer this to state legislature to express their views within specified period but president is not bound by the views of state legislature .India is an indestructible union of destructible states.
*Article 4-Laws made for admission or establishment of new states and formation of new states and alteration of areas ,boundaries or names of existing states are not considered as amendments of Constitution under article 368 such laws can be passed by simple majority and by ordinary legislative process 

*At the time of independence there were PART A,B,C,D states 
*Part A states are Assam,Bihar,Bombay,Madhya Pradesh,Madras,Orissa,Punjab,United Provinces,West Bengal 
*Part B states are Hyderabad,Jammu and Kashmir,MadhyaBharat,Mysore,Patiala and East Punjab,Rajasthan,Saurasthra,Travancore,Vindya Pradesh 
*Part C states are Ajmer,Bhopal,Bilaspur,Cooch Behar,Delhi,Himachal Pradesh ,Kutch,Manipur,Tripura 
*Part D states are Andaman and nicobar islands 
*There is demand for seperate the states based on linguistic basis 
*For Reorganization of states on linguistic Basis .June 1948 appointed this commission under leadership of SK Dhar and report submitted in December 1948 and recommend Reorganization of states based on administrative convenience and not on linguistic basis 
*At 1948 December jaipur congress meeting committee consists of Jawaharlal Nehru,Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Pattabi Sitaramaya constituted submitted it's report on April 1949 rejected reorganization on states based on language 
*Potti srilamulu from madras province fast unto death for seperate provinces based on linguistic provinces  
*So at October 1953 Govt of India forced to create first linguistic state Andhra Pradesh which consists of telugu speaking people from madras state 
*At Dec 1953 3 member state reorganization commission Fazal Ali was chairman and K M Panickar and H N Kunzru was members and submit report on september 1955 and accepted state reorganization based on linguistic basis and rejected theory of one language one state and also repealed Part A,B,C,D States . 
*7 the Amendment act 1956 based on this act 2 or more states can have same high Court and 1 Governor can be head of State for 2 or more states 
*1956 -Kerala (Travancore+Cochin+South Canara),Andhra Pradesh (Andhra+Hyderabad),Madhya Pradesh(Madhya Bharat+Vindhya+Bhopal),New UT Laccadive (Laccadive+minicoy+amindivi islands) 
*1960 -Maharasthra and Gujarat Bifurcated 
*1961-Dadra and Nagar  Haveli  (10 th CAA) 
*1962 -Goa ,Daman and Diu(12th CAA),French handover Puduchery(14 the CAA)
*1963 -Nagaland 
*1971-Himachala Pradesh 
*1974-Sikkim as full fledged state(36th AA)
*1987-Mizoram, Arunachal pradesh,Goa 
*2000-Chattisgarh ,Uttarkhand and Jharkhand 
*2019-Divide 2 UT Jammu and Ladakh from Jammu and kashmir 

*1950-United Province to Uttar Pradesh 
*1969-Madras to Chennai 
*1973-Mysore to Karnataka,Lakshadweep,Minicoy and Amindivi islands to Lakshadweep Island
*Delhi to National Capital Territory Delhi(1992)(69thCAA) 
*2006-Uttaranchal to Uttarkhand 
*2006 -Pondicherry to Puduchery 
*2011 -Orissa to Odissa 

*At  present 28 states and 8 Union territories are there in india 
*States-Andhra Pradesh,Arunachal Pradesh,Assam,Bihar,Chattisgarh,Goa, Gujarat
,Haryana,Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka,Kerala,
Madhyapradesh, Maharasthra,Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,Odisha,Punjab,Rajasthan,Sikkim, Tamilnadu, Telengana,Tripura, Uttarkhand,Uttarpradesh,West bengal 
*Union Territories-Andaman and Nicobar ,Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli ,Chandigarh,
NCT Delhi,Jammu and Kashmir,Ladakh,Lakshadweep ,Puducherry


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